Thursday, October 2, 2008

This picture is of situation that happened at a McDonalds. Two African American went into the McDonalds and their order was wrong. When they went to address the order was wrong the discussion got heated and the police was called. When the police arrived, the police saw it was two African Americans, assumed the African American men were hostile. The police immediately went to aid the restaurant by restraining the two African American men who were just in a heated disagreement over the order of their food. While attempting to restrain the two men, the police used excessive force causing an injury to one of the men and the other man they arrested for resisting. All of this could been averted if the officers had approached them properly with no prejudgments, their actions suggest that they believe that since your young black and in a heated discussion then your violent. If the police had worked as arbitrators then the situation could have been resolved peacefully.

This is a picture that I took outside of Metro Airport is of an Arab American working as a security guy and as a bag carrier for the air lines. What I am trying to understand is why the airlines will give Arab American hassle for trying to board the plane. It seems like they are not giving the Arab Americans hassle to work for the airlines. Are the airlines trying to contradict themselves? Is the airline saying it is safe to work for me because I can control you? In contrast if you’re a passenger or picking up an Arab passenger; you’re viewed as a potential threat?! This picture adds to my argument because when they hired this man, the airlines probably sent him though an extensive check like anyone else; however the airlines gave him a chance not because of a stereotype or even racial profiling.

Agnes Harris
Due October 2, 2008
Comp 106
Professor Yerks

Abuse of Power?

In the Article The Roots of Racial Profiling the article states in (The Practice of Racial Profiling), Although there is no single, universally accepted definition of “racial profiling,” we’re using the term to designate the practice of stopping and inspecting people who are passing through public places—such as drivers on the public highways or pedestrians in airports or urban areas—where the reason for the stop is a statistical profile of the detainee’s race or ethnicity. I choose racial profiling because African and Arab Americans get a lot of harassment pointing to the color of their skin. African Americans tend to get pulled over dealing with DWB also known as driving while black. Arab American seems to receive more harassment at the airport from police since 911.
Does racial profiling really exist? When speaking with certain individuals they do not believe that racial profiling exist and if it did exist it happened back when the Civil Rights Movement happened. Everyone knows racial profiling happened for Arab Americans when the twin towers in New York were hit by terrorist. No one would want another 911 to happen, however stereotyping a whole group of Arab Americans is not right. Just like believing all African American are criminals. Racial profiling does really exist because there are more tighten searches when getting on an airplane and there are more traffic stops believing if an African American is driving a certain automobile he either stole it or has illegal drugs in his possession.
Covert Racial Profiling deals with hidden and much less public than overt racial profiling. In the dictionary states, a covert racially biased decision is often disguised or rationalized with an explanation that society is more willing to accept. Covert allows an individual to be racist to some degree as long as society is willing to accept that form of racism. What this mean is someone of a different race doesn’t have to go beyond and extend themselves for individual of a different race. However Covert Racisms puts African and Arab Americans at a disadvantage because sometimes if either ethic groups are going for a job interview for instance may not get the job over their Caucasian counterpart because of stereotypes.
Doctors have said that children greatest years when they can take in the most are at the age of birth to five years old. Doctors studies have shown that at the age of two and three children can learn up to three to four different languages. Even in the earlier years of children they are taught to distinguish color as a child. At that point a child knows another child is a different skin color because they are taught to distinguish color at a very young age. I believe that covert racism happens at a very young age in children because as adults were are teaching our children to be covert.
Then from the covert racism a child learns different stereotypes from their parents, teachers, and others. A stereotype is a generalized perception of first impressions: behaviors presumed by a group of people judging with the eyes/criticizing ones outer appearance (or a population in general) to be associated with another specific group, the encyclopedia states. Stereotypes are sometimes formed by a pervious illusory correlation, a false association between two variables that are loosely correlated at all (encyclopedia). Meaning a teacher would tell a student in preschool “Amber throwing blocks is very dangerous”. So therefore the other children in the preschool has an association with throwing blocks is bad. So children are tabular rascar as sociologist would state because they are learning something new every day. Also children are like sponges because they soak up all the information that their little brains can intake.
I choose racial profiling because it getting swept underneath the rug like dirt does sometimes. No one can ever change the skin color they were born with however, I do believe that every individual deserve a chance to present who they are as a person. Martin Luther King Jr. said it the best, “I want my four little children to grow up in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

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